Saturday, September 6, 2014

Sorry it has been so long!

     Sorry it has been so long but a lot has happened!!!  We've moved, moved again, lost 3 cats, gained 2 puppies, lost some teeth, started homeschool, ect.  As you can see quite busy!!!  I also do not have internet at home...nope none there!  Only bills we have are electric, cell phone, water and a storage unit...but without any employment it is still a stretch...

     About our kitties: Storm, Vali & Hela aka Spawn...well...
Storm and Hela got taken by coyotes...:( and poor Vali got into daddy's fan under his hood in the middle of the night...right before he had to leave :(. I do miss them horribly.

     New puppies:  we rescued a small chihuahua which is my 10 year old daughter's now.  Her name is Calypso.  My oldest that lives with her grandmother got her brother Zeus.  Calypso is what I think resembles a rat needing some serious ADHD medication!  They both had very rough starts before they were rescued!!!  Fleas, missing hair, starving, worms, cuts, gashes, I said very rough!  Calypso thinks our dachshund Bailei is her bestie...she just tolerates her though...barely!  Our other newest addition is Aries. A 8 month old Great Dane/Mastiff mix and he is huge!  He thinks he is the size of a chihuahua.  Seriously!!!  This dog does not realize that when he stands on his back legs he is taller than my husband!  He loves Bailei...I'm glad she is way too short and he is way too tall!!!  Bailei just tolerates him.  Bailei has a best friend in the form of my 2 year old daughter!!!

     I also mentioned we moved twice...first to my in-laws...then to our own land in a 30 ft camper!  Yes with all those kids!  And all those dogs...  It's been crazy to say the least...

     We've also started homeschooling...well me and the kids!  I didn't realize they were so bright so I got the grades they would have been in regular public school...well a couple have almost finished everything I had for them!!!  So I am trying to figure out what to do next.  I've been saving gift cards I got from swagbucks yo buy stuff using them.  I could use help...feel free to sign up under me.  I get 10% match of what you get???so if you make 100 points they are nice and give me 10 as a thank you...but not any of your points!  By chance here is my referral:
Please if you can!!!  I've made $20 last month and only have internet access maybe once a week and I made all that by spending $000000000!!!!!!!  Which is my favorite part!!!  

     I guess I am gonna head out for now...I will write more when I get back online!!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Making $ while you just sit around the house!

     I'm going to start off by saying...I am not getting paid to write this or getting anything out of this other than helping anyone who doesn't know about how.  I'm learning by trial & error here myself.  Lately I've been mostly trying two places.  I've gotten Gift cards from one but haven't on the other yet.

     This first one I've actually gotten gift cards from as that's what I chose to get.  They have tons of rewards to choose from though...I just prefer amazon gift cards to save for things I want or for kid's birthdays.  Here is the link:
Swagbucks is a fun way to earn free stuff!!!

     The second place that I've been trying but is so slow that I haven't gotten anything from yet is Bing Rewards!  You can give it a try too though.
 Bing Rewards!!!
Give it a try!!!

Ill post more later one when I find or thing of other places!!!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Free 8X10 Collage at Walgreens!!!

Free 8x10 collage from Walgreens

     I ordered mine and it is completely free if you choose in store pickup!  If you ship to your home I think its around 99 cents...still not bad but free is free!!!  Deal good til Saturday!!!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Meet Vali "Big Boy"!!!!!

     I wanted to share one of our pets.  This is "Big Boy" Vali (named after one of the Greek God Loki's children...long story we had the best cat ever years ago guessed it...Loki!)

     I rescued him with his brother that you will meet later (along with my other babes)...when he was found he was covered in fleas (thousands!!!) and had the worst case of worms ever and seemed to be starving to death!  Now he's a big baby who is healthy, happy and sleepy obviously lol.

     So don't you think I have the prettiest boy?  I do but I'm partial to him lol.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Updates, Life & Kids...and Suspicious Behavior...

     I haven't updated in a bit.  I do apologize...been a bit busy.  So updates:  weather is crazy here!  20 one day and 70 the next.  Sometimes it doesn't even wait a day at times it from morning to afternoon to night.  And that means...sick kids! Spring Break is this week.  I've been helping my oldest one practice softball...catching, hitting, ect.  Not much has happened here...made my husband fire up the grill last night!!! (Sausages, chicken, steak...yummmmm!). Went to Walmart yesterday and  Hero got a glove that will fit and a batting helmet with a face mask.  I played softball and we didn't have face masks on our batting helmets...we just watched out and didn't get hit.  I played hind-catcher so I got hit with balls & the occasional bat (not always accidental some people didn't like trash talk but we were informed to do it).  Anyways...when I went to town yesterday I completely forgot to pickup my son's medicine and order Princess' cake since her party is Saturday.  I am so far behind!!!  All had to go get my mom off the road the other day...her clutch went out when she was almost turning into her mile long driveaway.  My dad bought a new ranger (ATV) and he is loving it!!!
     I also forgot (I think) to update on monkey's checkup.  She had another ear infection but he says she is too little for her age.  33 inches tall and 22.50 lbs. at 2 years old.  So he wants me to make her gain weight (since I can't make her get taller) and come back in 3 months!  If she hasn't gained weight then he wants her to see a specialist.  I just figure she is like my 8 year old (she's smaller than her 6 year old brother) or my great aunt (she's 80) she has just now made it to 130lbs & is 5'2".  My mom, my grandmother, my grandfather, my bio dad and I are all tall...over 5'7".  My mom was 100lbs til she got older or pregnant.  I was 120lbs til I had 5 kids but even now I'm still between 135-140lbs. Princess is up to my chest at almost 10 and weighs 64lbs. So I think its just her...she'll be little!  But you know how dr.s are...  She doesn't eat a lot we offer her food nonstop but never hardly eats!  She refuses meat except potted meat or turkey sandwiches.  She will chew it up (if she even touches it) then she spits it back out!  It's like she gets the flavor but nothing else which he says isn't good!  I hope she gains she we don't have to see a specialist in June.  Oh and I forgot the nurse went to take her vitals like weight and height and that child is soooooooo antisocial would have thought she was getting a shot or something!  Dr says that's just her personality...but I don't know.
     On to the I said its Spring Break...but I have 2 grounded!  CrazyHorse was suspended off the bus from Thursday til the 24th...but then Friday at 2 I got a call and since I wouldn't let them paddle him or send him to ISS (Honeybun's bully's mom is over it) then he got 1 day suspension.  Then at 2:15 I got another call about Princess (whom has never been in trouble at all) saying the same day suspension. She tried to get me to take my kids off the do jot paddle list but I didn't budge since when her husband was principal last year and honeybun got her one & only paddling ever he held her hands down while someone else did it and never called me (it says they are to call before or try something else no drastic first which they didn't and they are not suppose to hold any part of the child which they did in the school district handbook).  So my kids are on there for a reason and they'll stay matter how much she keeps trying to get me & my husband to change our minds.  My kids don't like school much anymore which is sad considering they use to cry even if they had to get checked out even 5 minutes early.  If I had the cash & patience they'd be homeschooled.
     Now...suspicious behavior...not my crew...the neighbors across the road in the woods.  Couple months ago I called the cops (sheriff since its out in the county) because the teen girl was down here across the road at the old house place (think falling in, ect) with her friends looking for something in the woods.  Whatever it was they found it and then 2 of the boys started fist fighting over it.  (Same teen girl who rode up and down the road checking all of our mailboxes) (same family that use to live here're and they had a man hunt after the guy that was here was high on drugs, beat the lady and went on he he run in the woods)...but back to last night.  I called the cops about 11pm about flashlights all in the woods and a vehicle parked over there (they tore the you down yesterday and burned it and covered it owners...anyways nothing is left but a fallen in shed and a storm shelter and the trachoe  the construction people used) so the cops came maybe 30 minutes later (yeah...same thought...) anyways they got loud with here and about 20 minutes later she left and never came back but they knew we called because they kept kept shining their lights at my house...but I called because I didn't want the trachoe to get stolen and it was weird due to they were looking in the he ss same me area that the teen girl had with the earlier occurrence.  They were putting stuff in the heir vehicle out of the he woods and such too.  They finally left about 3am.  I didn't go to sleep til they left but would you not consider that weird and suspicious behavior?
     That's really all that's been happening except for working around the house and yard work and such.

Friday, March 7, 2014

The present pictures!

Tiny might lalaloopsy doll

Her Lego animals!

Told you the doll was adorable!!!

Rough Day...

     I had a rough day.  One of those days nothing went right.  My CrazyHorse (severe ADHD) was suspended off the bus for biting which he had never done before for 10 days.  Today was day 2 of his 10 days.  We've been up there at least 5 times for the little girl he bit being mean and hitting him with nothing happening to her (she's a lot older than 4 years...) she punched him in the face first so he bit her knowing she wouldn't get into trouble but he got into trouble.  Anyways...back to today!!! Well today he and another little hoy hit a girl in his class because she annoyed him by always chasing him (he's been punished by us for) so he got suspended (can't go to ISS due to Honeybun's bully's mom being the ISS teacher). I got that call at 2pm.  Almost end of the day so since Monday starts spring break he will not go back that Monday after.  Well I thought my day wouldn't get worse but I was 2:20pm the school was calling me back...about Princess...(whom has never ever been in trouble before). I was informed since she couldn't go to ISS due to the teacher over ISS she would also be suspended for the day CrazyHorse was suspended too.  She deserved hers for her attitude problems even though her teacher hates her because of her older sister (well both her teachers do).    I do not know what has gotten into them.  Princess has ADHD too but still...but to top my day off ... Monkey was horrible!!!  She even ripped my poster on my bathroom door into pieces which I had to piece back together with was not a great day!!!  Or the great start to spring break.  Princess also turns 10 the day before school starts back (suspension day). I guess the day could have been worse if I had gotten calls on the other two.
     Anyone have one of these days lately?  Anyone know what could be the cause? Nothing has changed!!!

Friday, February 28, 2014

This reminds me of my children.

Happy Birthday Monkey!!!

     Sorry everyone I wasn't around yesterday but Monkey turned 2!!!  Of course we are going through our 2nd turn of pneumonia & strep throat in 2-3 weeks.  No fun! HoneyBun's having her first ever sleep over tonight with her best friends!!!  (I'm excited!!!). Monkey will have a small get to get her tomorrow since she is very antisocial even toward her grandparents.  (She will say grantma and grantpa and might hand them a toy but nothing else...ever!!!). CrazyHorse seemed to be extra crazy yesterday afternoon...too much candy at school I'm guessing!  Princess was great yesterday.  She helped her dad clean the van and make a run into town.  (Van needed cleaned since my HoneyBun ate stroganoff and her tummy can never handle it). Princess also went with grantma and Hero to town later to buy softball stuff for Hero.  I'm excited her practices start Monday!!!  They were going to start last night but with temps in the 20s...they were canceled.  I played softball for years and I'm hoping she will love it.  (FYI I also played basketball for a bit). Hero already has a full plate...Mondays she will have karate 4-5:30 in a town over (she's a red belt but soon can go for black belt as soon as she's 13) then homework then softball practice from 7-8:30 plus supper and bed.  Then Wednesdays she has karate from 4-5.  Thursdays she has softball practice from 7-8:30.  Really sad its so late at night but littler kids practice first.  Her first game is next month I think but she's a fast learner and I think she will do great since I've tried to teach her a bit and she can really throw a ball.  Only issue she will have is...she has weak ankles and is notorious for getting sprains and strains in them.  Enough about that!
   Watched a good movie last night with the husband.  It's an older movie but good except the end disappointed me.  It was Scenic Route with Josh Dummel (think I spelled that right).  Anyone seen it?
   What else...Oh!  Got an awesome deal at the pawn shop the other day!!!  Found book 1 & 2 of the Last Airbender in excellent condition for $4.00!!!  CrazyHorse is loving me!!!  Also found a PS3 eye, move controller, skylander giants portal & game with 8 or 9 skylanders for......drumroll please.......$40.  Might seem like a lot but those characters are over $10 bucks each!  I priced one of them on amazon and used one of the characters was $20 and that's used!!!  I was excited!  (I give husband credit for that find since he insisted we buy it!!!). I was excited but all the characters were new and none we owned!  I also purchased a year long subscription of All You with digital copy too for $5.00 (almost cost at store for one copy)!!!  I'm always on a lookout for great deals!!!  (And freebies and samples)...
     I was also going to talk about pets in this blog.  Does any one of you have pets?  We do and we have a houseful...well most are outside.  We have 2 turtles whom I refer to dirty deeds and dirt cheap...and if you ever think of getting turtles please reconsider...they take a lot of work, they are not clean animals and are not cheap to care for.  I'd get rid of them but they are the husband's now since kids don't want them but our landlord gave them to the kids over a year ago and they are huge!  We also have 2 doggies...Lily and Bailey.  Our cocker spaniel and dachsund babies.  Even at 4 & 5 years old they still act like puppies...good guard dogs too.  We also have my babies...(whom the kids will tell you are theirs but they are not) our 3 kitties!!!  We got 2 siblings (boy/girl) about 3 months ago.  Hela is black and white and not social but she's just learned to purr finally.  Then there is my big boy Vali whom is a blue grey color and has beautiful green eyes!  He's such a lover boy and I love him.  They are named after the god of mischieve, Loki, since those were 2 of his kids names.  (We use to have the best cat ever named Loki I got from a friend the day we left our military family and he was ran over by a corvette a few years later...). Then we also got an unexpected surprise one night during a bad thunderstorm...our fatty cakes came to us out of nowhere...I went everywhere trying to find if she belonged to someone but with no luck she stayed and we named her Storm.  She is and always has been so love able and friendly.  That's the rest of our family...our animal babies.
     Nothing else much has been happening within our little chaotic world.  Tomorrow I have to go pick up Monkey's cake from the grocery store and have the small get together.  Last year was Cookie Monster and I made her a tutu and shirt and headband and all but not this year.  She said no she's not girly but still wanted her a Minnie Mouse cake.  I wish she would let me make her a tutu or would have gotten a sponge bob cake I have the cutest songbook tutu complete with the little tie and all but I still might let her use it if its not back cold.  (Our weather has been 20 one day and 75 the next...hence the sickness)...
     So everyone I bid you farewell...for now and hope you all have a wonderful day!!!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Welcome everyone!

Hi everyone!  Welcome to my blog.  I'm new to this but hopefully I'll learn as I go and this won't be too painful for everyone to have to read.  I'll start by introducing myself to everyone:

     Hi! I'm Amy and I'm 31 years old...(I tell my kids I'm still 30...& probably always will because I forget my age at times so I automatically say 30).  I was born in a small town in Alabama where the hospital is still is but they do not deliver babies anymore.  I lived in Alabama til I was roughly 3 when my mom met and married my wonderful stepdad then moved to Mississippi to a smaller town that I hated til I moved when I was 16 years old.  Then I moved to a much smaller town that still to this day does not have a stop light.  I've moved around, had babies and gotten married since then.  I had a miscarriage when I was Jeremiah Andrew.  I dropped out of high school but after years of public school and home school I gave up and got my GED and graduated in the year I would have in high school.  I had my first daughter a year later a month before I turned 19. My now almost teenager (will be in July)...I'll refer to her as "Hero" which my husband called her.  6 months later her Godfather died...I think of him all the time since he was a big part of my life & my stepdad's&j cousin.  I got married in 2002, a year later, to my grade school sweetheart...(4th grade sweetheart).  Then my "adventures" began...
   My husband joined the Army and left for basic training & AIT 5 months after our first daughter together was born.  I'll refer to her as "Princess".  After 4 months my husband graduated AIT & we moved to Louisiana, where we stayed for 2 years.  During the stay there we had our second daughter together.  I'll refer to her as "HoneyBun".  We came "home" and stayed with my in laws while we found a place...which was another small town with nothing.  We had our "CrazyHorse".  6 months later my grandmother beautiful lovely grandmother.  (I never met my real father's parents due to them dying years before I was born...also my biological father is not a part of my life or my children's lives).  When my son was 1 we moved to the next town over to a much bigger house to rent and closer to my college.  We lived there awhile but a year later finally moved to the town I was born in...which is where my college was but my husband had started attending on his GI BILL so we needed to be close.  I also worked while attending college and taking care of kids but we struggled.  My husband and I separated.  I let him have the kids one weekend I had to work and I didn't see them again for over 8 months...the longest hardest of my life by far!  I drank a lot, worked a lot, dropped out of school, and got a boyfriend just in spite.  My husband stole my car in the middle of the night so I moved in with that guy and his parents...drank even more, cried harder, dealt with being hit...figured I deserved it...tried to leave 3 threatened with lies...but eventually I left-pregnant in the middle of the night with only my clothing.  I left everything else I owned at that house where I guess it still is...I didn't even get all my clothing, tv, cover, pillow, etc. but oh well...I got out.  My husband & I got back together and moved to our new rental home & 5 months later we had our daughter...who I'll refer to as "Monkey".  When she was a year old our landlord offered us a 3 bedroom (we were in a 2 bedroom) for the same we took it and we are still here a year later.  My stepfather's grandfather "pawpaw" died last week.  My kids are hating school (same school I moved to at 16 & dropped out of) and ask me daily to please homeschool them.  I've left out a few things that I'll now fill in about my kids.
     Hero stays with us 1/2 the time but lives with my parents right down the road because she's spoilt rotten by them.  Hero has ADHD, ODD, & bipolar disorder.  Princess had trouble as a baby but has outgrown most sleep apnea, breathing & stomach issues but still has asthma and ADHD.  Honeybun goes to Shriner's children's hospital for far we have had these diagnosis: internal femoral ante-version, tibia torsion, patella misalignment & hyper elasticity of her body.  We are hoping to not have surgeries when she is 12 (min will be around 12-14 surgeries we are told).  She had a full mouth rehabilitation at age 4.  She is bullied daily and has trouble due to this.  CrazyHorse has severe ADHD...even on medicine.  A few months back a dr. He saw from birth jerked him off all meds at once and he almost had a heart attack due to withdrawals at age 6.  Luckily no lasting damages.  He goes to a new dr. now!  He was tongue tied but had corrective surgery at 9 months old. Monkey will be 2 this week.  She had lots of issues as a baby.  Skin issues and stomach issues were the worst!!!  Her eczema has almost completely resolved itself and she still has few stomach issues but its a long way from specialty formulas and not being able to drink any milks and full GI TRACT scopes, C DIFF diagnosis, full allergy tests and etc.  now she has a few issues with milk but nowhere close to before.  She's got more energy than any of the others even  But I love them all and they are my life and my husband's life!
     Now I'll tell you a bit about my husband: He is 33...soon to be 34.  He was medically discharged from the United States Army due to knee arthritis and deafness.  He is a disabled veteran.  He's a welder...only thing he's done since high school other than years in Army.  He was hurt at work but I can't talk about that as of right now...sorry :(.
   But that's our life together...with 5 crib the a rented mobile home...but we are happy even if we struggle right now.

Let's Get To Know Each Other!

Let's get to know one another!!!  So here we go:

20 things about me:

1. I love to read!!! I prefer young adult paranormal, adult paranormal or books like Nicholas Sparks.
2.  I have OCD.  I do things in threes most of the time but do it I multiple times since it has to equal an even number.  Weird...maybe...not to me...
3.  I have 5 beautiful babies and 1 angel baby!
4. I married my 4th grade sweetheart!
5.  My favorite cartoon is Courage the Cowardly Dog.  I also enjoy Scooby Doo, Charlie Brown and a few others.
6. Shows I'm addicted to: True Blood, Haven, Pretty Little Liars, Switched at Birth, Twisted, Hemlock Grove, The Lying Game, The Walking Dead, Sons of Anarchy...maybe I forgot one or two...
7.  I completely made up a couple of my kids names.  Two were named after someone I love, one my husband named after a Maury's baby daddy show, one has a name after a prayer, and 2 of my kids have 3 names instead of 2 (not including my angel baby whom's first name was after my stepfather in a way).
8.  I am my mother's youngest child and my biological dad's oldest child and my stepfather's youngest.
9.  I'm a girl gamer.  I have a wii (2 actually), a wii u, xbox 360 (have 2 but first is shot & way old), ps3, and 3 Nintendo dsis of the kids I can use...
10.  I love Zombies!!!  Not the stupid fake  I like the ones you could actually see being real.  Sad part is I do believe zombies could one day become a "real" thing due to all the things put into our air, water, food, medicines, etc...
11.  My favorite games are zombie games even though I like other games.  So far I loved the left 4 dead games and dead island games.  I do like the borderlands games also but prefer the first to the second.  I have been playing my kids skylander game though.  I use to be addicted to kingdom of hearts and castlevania.  I also love Mario games!!!  Also I'm a jeopardy fan but no one will play it with me and due to no tv I can't watch it.  Anyone play on ps3?
12.  I subscribe to netflix.  I did hulu but didn't like it.  I like netflix even if I have to wait for new tv seasons and I don't get every show I like.  I do not subscribe to cable, satellite or anything else...I do not even get local mom or in laws call if I need to know something I can't find on the internet.
13.  My kids watch movies on vudu with codes my mother or in laws give me or that I win on listia.  I will accept donations
14.  I'm a red head...naturally as is my mom and my mom's other daughter and Princess does too.  We get it from my grandfather...(my mom's&j dad)...but my biological father's family is from Ireland and Scotland I'm getting it honest lol.  (Only 1 of my 5 have red hair so far...)
15.  I was bullied in school due to red hair, freckles, glasses and not wearing the name brand things everyone else did...
16.  I have an iPad, laptop, htc one x but I prefer my ipad2 and haven't been on my laptop in just sits there but its so old and so slow.  I love my phone too though but not like my ipad2.
17.  Favorite drink: sweet tea and Mountain Dew.  Dr. Pepper makes me sick so I can't drink very much and I'm allergic to Hawaiian punch.  I dislike cream soda and root beer.
18.  Favorite food hands down is tacos.  I love Mexican food and Cajun food.  I do love boiled crawfish also. Yummm I'm hungry now!
19.  I love freebies, coupons, thrift stores and pawn shops.  I usually forget to use the coupons though.  I also love to take surveys for money when I can or do product tests!!!
20.  Last but not least: I am addicted to hay day on my iPad, fuzzy pajama pants, flip flops, blue jeans, hoodies, pretty purses & wallets, among other things...

Few more freebies...(I love freebies did I mention that?)
1. Fav movies: dazed & confused, sweet home alabama, scooby doo, boondock saints 1...just to name a few...also love anything Adam Sadler or Morgan freeman...also super hero marvel movies...
2. Favorite band: green day (my children even sing along), hank jr., Lynard skynard (old not new), dr,. Hook, eminem, ludacris...etc.
3.  Fav color: green...not poop green.
4.  Fav number: 33
5. I use to play basketball and softball.  I can also ride a 4 wheeler pretty good and can fish with the boys...but I don't like outside much lol.
6.  Fav author as a child: r.l. Stine but not goosebumps!!!
7.  I love to color!!! I've won coloring contests as a child and taught one of my nephews to color and he won a few too!
8. My mom's son has done multiple tours in the war and could go back at any time since he is still full time national guard.
9.  My grandfathers were in different wars along with other members of the family.  My moms dad, my stepfather's dad, my real fathers dad, my father in law, my brother in law, my husband, etc.
10.  I can count on one hand the amount of actual "friends" I have...I talk to them each maybe a few times a year even the ones that live close.  I just prefer to be a loner.

Ok that's it.  Hope you enjoyed or can relate.