Sorry everyone I wasn't around yesterday but Monkey turned 2!!! Of course we are going through our 2nd turn of pneumonia & strep throat in 2-3 weeks. No fun! HoneyBun's having her first ever sleep over tonight with her best friends!!! (I'm excited!!!). Monkey will have a small get to get her tomorrow since she is very antisocial even toward her grandparents. (She will say grantma and grantpa and might hand them a toy but nothing else...ever!!!). CrazyHorse seemed to be extra crazy yesterday afternoon...too much candy at school I'm guessing! Princess was great yesterday. She helped her dad clean the van and make a run into town. (Van needed cleaned since my HoneyBun ate stroganoff and her tummy can never handle it). Princess also went with grantma and Hero to town later to buy softball stuff for Hero. I'm excited her practices start Monday!!! They were going to start last night but with temps in the 20s...they were canceled. I played softball for years and I'm hoping she will love it. (FYI I also played basketball for a bit). Hero already has a full plate...Mondays she will have karate 4-5:30 in a town over (she's a red belt but soon can go for black belt as soon as she's 13) then homework then softball practice from 7-8:30 plus supper and bed. Then Wednesdays she has karate from 4-5. Thursdays she has softball practice from 7-8:30. Really sad its so late at night but littler kids practice first. Her first game is next month I think but she's a fast learner and I think she will do great since I've tried to teach her a bit and she can really throw a ball. Only issue she will have is...she has weak ankles and is notorious for getting sprains and strains in them. Enough about that!
Watched a good movie last night with the husband. It's an older movie but good except the end disappointed me. It was Scenic Route with Josh Dummel (think I spelled that right). Anyone seen it?
What else...Oh! Got an awesome deal at the pawn shop the other day!!! Found book 1 & 2 of the Last Airbender in excellent condition for $4.00!!! CrazyHorse is loving me!!! Also found a PS3 eye, move controller, skylander giants portal & game with 8 or 9 skylanders for......drumroll please.......$40. Might seem like a lot but those characters are over $10 bucks each! I priced one of them on amazon and used one of the characters was $20 and that's used!!! I was excited! (I give husband credit for that find since he insisted we buy it!!!). I was excited but all the characters were new and none we owned! I also purchased a year long subscription of All You with digital copy too for $5.00 (almost cost at store for one copy)!!! I'm always on a lookout for great deals!!! (And freebies and samples)...
I was also going to talk about pets in this blog. Does any one of you have pets? We do and we have a houseful...well most are outside. We have 2 turtles whom I refer to dirty deeds and dirt cheap...and if you ever think of getting turtles please reconsider...they take a lot of work, they are not clean animals and are not cheap to care for. I'd get rid of them but they are the husband's now since kids don't want them but our landlord gave them to the kids over a year ago and they are huge! We also have 2 doggies...Lily and Bailey. Our cocker spaniel and dachsund babies. Even at 4 & 5 years old they still act like puppies...good guard dogs too. We also have my babies...(whom the kids will tell you are theirs but they are not) our 3 kitties!!! We got 2 siblings (boy/girl) about 3 months ago. Hela is black and white and not social but she's just learned to purr finally. Then there is my big boy Vali whom is a blue grey color and has beautiful green eyes! He's such a lover boy and I love him. They are named after the god of mischieve, Loki, since those were 2 of his kids names. (We use to have the best cat ever named Loki I got from a friend the day we left our military family and he was ran over by a corvette a few years later...). Then we also got an unexpected surprise one night during a bad thunderstorm...our fatty cakes came to us out of nowhere...I went everywhere trying to find if she belonged to someone but with no luck she stayed and we named her Storm. She is and always has been so love able and friendly. That's the rest of our family...our animal babies.
Nothing else much has been happening within our little chaotic world. Tomorrow I have to go pick up Monkey's cake from the grocery store and have the small get together. Last year was Cookie Monster and I made her a tutu and shirt and headband and all but not this year. She said no she's not girly but still wanted her a Minnie Mouse cake. I wish she would let me make her a tutu or would have gotten a sponge bob cake I have the cutest songbook tutu complete with the little tie and all but I still might let her use it if its not back cold. (Our weather has been 20 one day and 75 the next...hence the sickness)...
So everyone I bid you farewell...for now and hope you all have a wonderful day!!!
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